Take a trip down memory lane with us! Here are some of our favorite memories from the last three years together.
If you would like to contribute any missing photos to our albums, email them to Val!
Life in Minnesota

Before Nik, Valerie spent a lot of her time at the stable riding horses at her mom's hobby farm.

Valerie traded in her time riding real horses at a stable to designing "cool sh*t" for Nik's company, THE STABLE.

Nik enjoyed a nice, clean, minimally decorated life in his condo.

Nik's condo is now an art studio! :)

It can only be love...

It was a lovely brunch at Tilia in Linden Hills.

Could this even be real?

Moments after the surprise reveal at Val's art studio.

He was the best boyfriend.

People who work out together stay together, right?

If you're confused by this photo, we suggest going back and reading the "our story"!
Go to link
I couldn't believe how much stuff we could find at Costco!

Handmade by Val

Nik on a Stik

Photo by Chad Moon

Photo by Chad Moon

Photo by Chad Moon

Photo by Chad Moon.

We go to lots of these fundraiser/galas. We are very "adult".

Photos of our life, our home, our dog... all things mushy and gushy from the day we started dating to the day we moved in together!

Our People
These are our friends, our family... the people we love and hold near and dear to our hearts. We do apologize that we are missing many of our friends- we know there are many photos not posted!

Our first official double-date was with Lindsay and Brad Santala!

Nik's sister, Michelle, with new a baby girl for us to love!

One of our first trips together was to L.A to visit Chris and Lori Harder! And their dog, Waffles!

We might be a torn sports family... Wisconsin vs. MN, but we still love Frank and Sarah!!!!

Road trip to Milwaukee to see Eric Church with Sarah and Frank Forseth... and Teddy!

Nik's Mom and Stepdad

Nik, Chad and Mike (Sully)

Val and Lali

Jeanna and Val

Val's Mom, Barb, made a special cake, per usual!

Val, Nik, Kate and Chad

Nik's Grandma, Janet and Valerie with their fancy fur coats in Jackson Hole!

Nik, Val, Nik's cousin, Daniel and BJ- the best ski instructor!

Courtney, Lali, Val

Nik with his co-captain, Teddy and Lali!

Val, Kyle, Lali and Teddy... Cheers!

Juliet, Nik's Aunt, and Nik

Val, Juliet, Jantze

Emerson is Nik's niece... she's the sweetest girl!

Val, Ryan, Nik

We may be the youngest members of the Minnikhada Club... so, we own it!

Not that I haven't tried, it's because he doesn't like to be in photos! He only likes to take them. Abby, Chad, Val.

Lali came over and made a huge Bolivian family feast for us! It was an incredible gift!

Hosted by Kara and Pete Grangaards, this ended up being one of our most memorable nights! We dressed up in costume and had a blast!

Murder Mystery night at the Grangaards!

Val, Ty, Ava, Aly, Nik

Jeanna, Nik, Lali
Adventures Together
We love to travel, and we plan to do much more! Here are some of our memorable trips we've taken together.

This was... not safe!

Nik's new camera...

Totally cheese, we know!

Eric Church Concert!

One of our most memorable Christmas gifts! Jantze surprised us with a sleigh ride and candle-lit dinner for two in a teepee!

One of our most memorable Christmas gifts! Jantze surprised us with a sleigh ride and candle-lit dinner for two in a teepee!

Nik's abs. ;)

The Mountain-top Proposal and Engagement
Nik proposed at the top of a mountain in St. Lucia. The thought and time he put into the proposal was truly impressive. St. Lucia will always be very special place to us! Right now, we are taking everyone's advice and enjoying being engaged! Just as soon as we get used to calling each other "fiancé", we will be husband and wife!

We got engaged on top of this mountain in St. Lucia!

The resort we stayed at already knew!

After we face-timed our Mom's, we took this photo at the top of the mountain after we got engaged! A hummingbird also flew to visit... something the guide said never happens as high as we were!

This is turtle we happened to find at the base of the mountain after we got engaged. A nod from Val's Dad, too!

View of "our mountain" from where we stayed at the Viceroy on magical Sugar Beach.

View of the other piton (mountain) which was much too steep to climb!

This was the most fun spa!

Nik arranged for a magical dinner for two on the beach. It was perfect!

Val's favorite wine is the Prisoner... it was the perfect pairing!

Something straight out of "The Bachelor"! It was picture-perfect!

The manager at the resort dropped off some art supplies... Nik can never escape them!

Hosted by Jeff and Susan (our neighbors)! They invited our whole building to come celebrate!

Hosted by Jantze and Barb... it was a beautiful celebration with our friends and family!


Lali, Val, Xime, Paola

Getting Ready for the Big Day
Getting hitched comes with lots of fun activities leading up to the Big Day! More photos to come as we will share all the fun events leading up to our Wedding in Hawaii.